Sjef Imants is a great lover of culture and cultural history. His fame as an actor extends far beyond the Kempen region. The Imants company is also promoting actively the local cultural history. The company makes the upper floor of its office building available to the Reusel Local History Society (Heemkunde Werkgroep Reusel - HWR). On January 15, 1988 it opens the De Schob Museum. The museum displays the collection of tillage tools gathered by the HWR over the years. It contains many ploughs and hand tools which Imants used to make. Unfortunately, due to lack of space, the museum has to close in the mid 1990s.
In 2010 Cor van der Heijden and Wim Lavrijsen write the history of the company, published in a 240-page, lavishly illustrated book: Spaden, ploegen en spitters (Spades, ploughs and spading machines). De geschiedenis van Imants BV (The Story of Imants BV) (ISBN 978-90-902540-7-4). ONLY IN DUTCH